Hi, this week Im doing a review about terminator 4 ( terminator salvation). I enjoyed all four movies but terminator 4 was just that little bit better. one of the main characters is in all the terminator movies exept the 4th one and his name is arnold swartzaniger and he has done some really funny lines and scenes e.g. In number three when he was a good terminator and was takeing all this food from a shop to help some people who were going to be leading a resistnce in the future and when he was walking out the door the shop cashear said "Um are you going to pay for that" the terminator pulled his hand up in front of the cashear and said "Talk to the hand!" It was halerealous. There is also another character who was in the same amount of movies as arnold swartzaniger ecsept he wasn't in number one instead of number 4. His name is john connor and he is being protected because he is supost to lead the humans to victory against the terminators in the not so far away future. what i liked about the 4th one though is that theres this man whos done something bad and was sentanced to death but this lady came to him a day before it was supposed to happen and asked him if he wanted to live again (she was bacicley asking him to donate his body to them for science) and he sold his body for a kiss which took the lady by surprise but she didn't care because she now owned his body. when he was dizzy and almost dead the lady said "Thankyou for doing this. You wont regret it!". In the future he comes back to life but I cant tell you what as because I don't want to ruin a good surprise! But I will tell you that he saves everyone in the movie and a hero but he dies again. But again I will not tell you how or when because again I'm really tring to get you excited and curious so you will watch the movie. Well, I hoped you enjoyed my review and sorry that it's long, I just got a bit carryed away because it's such a cool movie!! If you've already seen it could you tell me if you liked it or not or like the sound of it, please comment down below thanks, bye!
haven't seenit yet maybe you could show me.